20 articles
How to use Stryd Training PlansHow to use Stryd Training Plans?
How to do a Structured WorkoutStryd Power-Based Workouts.
Record a run with the Stryd app on my mobile device
Offline Sync: Uploading Pod Memory to the Stryd Mobile AppSync Stryd. How do I Offline Sync? Upload Stryd memory.
Send Health Data from your Stryd pod to Stryd
Set Height and Weight Using the Stryd App
Fitness in the Stryd appWhat is Fitness in the Summary tab? What Is my fitness? How does Stryd determine my fitness?
Editing the Stryd LibraryHow to delete, rename, and edit workouts and training plans. How to turn a workout into a treadmill workout?
The Stryd LibraryStryd Workouts. Stryd Workout Builder. Stryd Training Plan Builder.
InsightsLearn how Insights can help you analyze your run.
Troubleshooting the Getting Started Flow
Estimated Critical PowerSingle Run CP Estimation. What is an Estimated CP?
Critical Power History Graph
'My Training' Bar Chart
Weight and Height Setting
How can I manually change my language preferences?
Change Stryd Account Profile Picture
Shoe Tagging FeatureHow do I retire a shoe? Add a shoe.
First Run with the Stryd appHow do I run with the Stryd app? Use my phone to record a run.
Add a New Watch in the Stryd AppHow can I save my watch in the Stryd app? Added Watches list.