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Learn how Insights can help you analyze your run.

Updated over 12 months ago

What are Insights?

Stryd Insights can help you isolate trends over time.

Running Insights are generated partially from your Stryd running metrics and partially from your own notes and feedback after completing each session. They represent the previous 90 days of data as provided through your Stryd workout log.

Stryd Insights include:

Trends: changes to your training metrics over time. These include

  • Power

  • Stress

  • Distance

  • Duration

  • Pace

  • Ground Contact Time

  • Vertical Oscillation

  • Heart Rate

  • LSS (Leg Spring Stiffness)


How do I get Insights for my runs?

In order to get started with insights, you first need to tag your activities! Tags are necessary for insights to be generated.

1. Open the Stryd mobile app


2. Go to the 'Calendar' tab

3. Scroll to an activity you want to tag

4. Tap the 'tag' icon

4. Tag the run


5. Save the activity

6. Done! You will want to add as many tags to as many runs as possible to receive the best insights.

Types of Insights

Rate of Perceived Effort Insights

When you tag a run's RPE you'll receive the Perceived Effort insight card where you can see how this run felt compared to the average of your last 90 days of running for that run type.

Feel: a scatterplot of how you rank each workout as feeling after completing the session.


Perceived Effort: a scatterplot of how you rank your perceived exertion after completing each session


Weather Insights

Stryd collects weather information from a weather service based on your GPS data at the time of your run.

Surface Type Insights

Tagging your run with the 'surface type' shows how much of your running was done on that surface type in the preceding 7 days. Stryd can currently not detect the surface you are running on and adjust power readings accordingly.


Additional information is available to 'trail runs', breaking the amount of time and average wattage out into the following categories: flat running [-2 to 4% grade], uphill running [>4% grade], downhill running [< -2% grade] and hiking [cadence < 140 SPM]


Run Type Insights

Tagging your run with the 'type' can deliver a variety of insights. Below are the particular insights you receive for each run type. In addition to post-run insights, you can also compare tagged runs via the analysis tool in the calendar. Not all run types receive the same insights, and we hope to continually add to this in the future.

Recovery and Easy: will generate a 'Recovery' insight. This insight compares that day's running stress to your 42 day average stress. Typically you want to be under the 42 day average to truly recover.

If you are unsure about what Run Type you should use, here is the list of Run Types we offer and their definitions:


The warm-up is the zone 1 easy run that you do to gear up for a big workout or race. The goal is to gently ramp your body up to reduce the risk of injury before you do the harder work of the main set.


The cooldown is the easy zone 1 run after a hard session. This run is intended to help kick start the recovery process by enhancing blood flow to the working muscle groups, but without stressing them further.

"Recovery run" or "Easy run":

These runs will be steady efforts will be in Zones 1-2 for short to moderate durations. Easy runs are designed to maintain or build upon your aerobic base, sometimes while your body is recovering from harder sessions on days prior. The goal will be to find a power you can maintain for a long time and to stop well before fatigue begins to set in.

Long Run:

The long run is your longest run for the week. Typically, this run falls on Saturday or Sunday and will be no higher than Zone 2. Similar in the level of effort to Easy runs, the long run will be a high duration and low intensity, with the goal of improving your aerobic endurance. These runs will start feeling easy, but will end with some considerable fatigue and stress due to the longer duration.

Run Walk:

The run-walk is when you balance the run portions with walking sections. Run-walks are designed to provide the same sort of training stimulus as Easy or Recovery runs.


A Fartlek is Swedish for "speed play," and that is exactly what this run is all about. Unlike tempo and interval work, fartlek is unstructured and alternates between moderate to hard efforts with easy efforts throughout. Fartlek workouts are great for tuning into how your body is feeling and getting you comfortable at a higher turnover rate without straining yourself enough to require a multi-day recovery.


Structured workouts typically involving many repetitions of a short-to-moderate duration at a high intensity. Intervals are useful for improving aerobic threshold or "speed endurance". They will also improve your muscular strength and your comfort at higher power outputs.

Hill Repeats:

Typically many repetitions of running up and down a hill with 1:1 or greater ratio of work: recovery. These will be one of the highest intensity and shortest duration workout types you'll encounter in your training. Hill repeats are focused on building speed and strength as you push your maximum power output to new heights with adequate recovery time to perform well repeat after repeat.

Tempo Run:

A tempo run is a sustained effort run executed at the lower percentages of CP. You will find yourself in lower zone 3 for a tempo run, 90-95% of CP. Tempo runs are excellent for raising your aerobic threshold so that you are able to maintain a higher power output even on your future easy days when you are running in Zone 1-2.

Threshold Run:

A threshold run is a sustained effort running at 95-100% of CP. You will be in upper zone 3 for this type of effort. Threshold runs provide a similar training stress to tempo runs, but typically at a higher intensity and lower duration. Raising your threshold is one of the greatest ways of improving your personal best in endurance running events.

Cruise intervals:

The cruise intervals are typically 200 to 400m repeats at a higher intensity with more rest. Similar in training stress to hill repeats, cruise intervals will sharpen your strength and maximum power output, with enough rest in between to perform at a high level interval after interval.

​Brick Workout:

These are two or more sessions done back to back, typically being bike to run.


Strides are short sprints of 15 to 20 seconds without any structured rest or breaks. Strides are focused on muscle activation-- remind your body how to recruit working muscle for the race or hard workout that is coming up. For beginner runners, Strides are an excellent introduction to more structured speed work.

Progression run:

The progression run is a cut down run. Starting off at a comfortable power and slowly adding more intensity over the run. You should finish at a higher power than when you started the run. Progression runs are great for teaching your body fatigue resistance in the latter stages of a race as well as providing a little bit of threshold training effect.

Pace Run:

A pace run is a run where you aim to hold specific power.

For example, if you select Long Run it will tell you the % duration and % stress from long runs in the preceding 7 days. In addition, you can see how your power and other metrics trend among that type of run over the last 90 days.


Or if you select Run Walk it will tell you % time running vs walking as well as % running duration over the preceding 7 days.


Time in Zones Insights

The 'Time in Zones' insight is generated with every run, with the top graph representing the distribution of time in zones for that particular run.

Tap on a zone's bar to see % of time and duration in that zone. Below the bar graph, you can see the % of your running duration in zone 1 across the preceding 7 days to help manage your stress. To read more on Power Zones visit this link.


Power Duration Curve Insights

The Power Duration Curve is an easy way to see how you've performed over the course of your last 90 days of training, and now you can see how a particular run compares against your overall PDC.

Below the Power Duration Curve are 'impactful run sections' which compares sections of this run against the last 90 days. Pink sections highlight where you have best effort durations, and the length of those durations and place on the curve is detailed.

Note: the run is compared to your previous 90 days power duration, and isn't a historical view of where you were at the point in time which you did the run.


Recovery Insights

When tagging your run as either an 'easy' or 'recovery' run, you'll trigger the recovery insight card. This shows 'today's stress' (including other runs that day) compared to your 42 day running stress average. If your 42 day average reflects your normal training (for instance it doesn't include a week off), then you typically want to stay below that average for proper recovery.

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