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Estimated Critical Power

Single Run CP Estimation. What is an Estimated CP?

Updated this week

The Estimated Critical Power feature in the Stryd app can help all runners from a variety of backgrounds get a Critical Power (CP) fast so they can start training with Stryd! This can be incredibly helpful if a user does not have two weeks to complete a full testing protocol.

The Single Run CP Estimation can give you an accurate Critical Power after one run! Please note that a full two-week testing protocol will give a user the most accurate CP, however, an Estimated Critical Power can be a great place to start!

Definition - Estimated Critical Power

Estimated Critical power temporarily takes the place of Critical Power. The Estimated Critical Power gives you a way to train with Stryd immediately without excess strain on your body.

The Estimated Critical Power will be calculated with a single easy run. The Stryd developers have come up with a calculation that can precisely estimate maximum efforts without the user actually performing a maximum effort.

Single Run CP Estimation

The Single Run CP Estimation is a short 17 minute easy run with two 60 second surges.

You will be prompted to complete a Single Run CP Estimation if you are a new user or if you have taken time away from training.

If you feel like your existing CP is inaccurate, you can reset your Critical Power and choose the Single Run CP Estimation as your reset of choice.

  1. Open the Stryd mobile app

  2. Scroll down to Fitness

  3. Select Critical Power

  4. Select “Reset my Critical Power”

You will need to confirm the reset. Selecting the Single Run CP Estimate is the easiest way to get an accurate Critical Power.

Estimated Critical Power will become a Critical Power

If a user completes a Stryd Training Plan or completes a Testing Workout set, their Critical Power will no longer be an estimate! The Stryd system will notify the user as soon as an accurate Auto CP is calculated.

Completing a Stryd Training plan is the first way a user can update their Estimated Critical power and have it become a Critical Power. Every Stryd training plan has Testing Workouts embedded which updates a user's Critical Power.

Completing one of the Testing Workout Sets is the second way a user can update their Estimated Critical Power and have it become a Critical Power. Users can find these Testing Workout Sets in Stryd’s workout library. Keep in mind, these are sets of rigorous workouts. Make sure to put a few days of rest in between each of the workouts to achieve the best results.

Please note that the Testing Workout Sets labeled "Power" are great for users who currently have a CP or an estimated CP, and the ones labeled "RPE" should only be reserved for people who feel their Current CP is significantly off or don't have a CP at all.

Features that the Estimated Critical Power will affect

Critical Power (CP) - After completing a Single Run CP Estimation you CP will not be adaptive - your Estimated CP will act like a manual CP and will remain static until overridden. For more information about Critical Power, please follow this support article on Critical Power .

Event Planner within Race Power Calculator - Race calculations are derived from the PDC curve and your Critical Power. Your Critical Power is an estimate and therefore the Event Planner within the Race Power Calculator will not be accurate. For more information please follow this support article to the Event Planner and Race Power Calculator.

Race Calculations Table in Summary View - Race calculations rely on max efforts reflected in the PDC and Critical Power. Your Critical Power is an estimate and therefore Race Calculations in the Summary View will not be accurate. To learn more please follow this link to the support article on Race Calculations Table in the Stryd Mobile app.

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